Celebrating the history of the Arena Football League

Sean Chaffin Articles
3/3/2007SEASON PREVIEW: Talented and determined, Desperados hope for better finish in 2007
2/18/2007ArenaFan caters to fans with fantasy games
2/15/2007Goal Line fantasy continues to grow, AFL leagues double from ‘06
2/14/2007Filling a void, AFOnline seeks to keep fantasy players in the know
2/13/2007Fantasy Football could pay big dividends for AFL
2/6/2007Get your game together: the definitive guide to starting an AFL fantasy football league
12/20/2006AFL pessimists don’t mirror AFL reality
Sean Chaffin Bio
Sean Chaffin is a graduate of Texas A&M University and an AFL, NFL, and fantasy football fan living in Rockwall, Texas. He owned The Rockwall Express newspaper for five years and worked for several other newspapers in the Dallas area. He is now an English as a Second Language teacher in the Dallas area.