Celebrating the history of the Arena Football League

Mike Neu

Born: 1970-12-29
Player Statistics
Coaching Record
 Regular SeasonPlayoffsTotal
2001Carolina Cobras01001020
2002Carolina Cobras68011790
2004*New Orleans VooDoo1150011160
2005New Orleans VooDoo970--970
2007New Orleans VooDoo5110--5110
2008New Orleans VooDoo880--880
Career Total394001340430
* - Won coach of the year
Home vs. Away
2001Carolina Cobras010010000
2002Carolina Cobras160630000
2004*New Orleans VooDoo720440000
2005New Orleans VooDoo530440000
2007New Orleans VooDoo440170000
2008New Orleans VooDoo620260000
Career Total2318017250000
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Awards won by Mike Neu
2004 New Orleans VooDoo Head Coach of the Year