Celebrating the history of the Arena Football League

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Message Boards
Check out the ArenaFan Message Boards. New, easier to navigate and post interface makes it easier to root for your team, or razz your opponents.

Chat Room
The new Arenafan Chat room is open. Check back soon for scheduled chats with ArenaFan and Arena Football personalities.

Power Poll
Which teams are the best in the league? We let the fans decide in our Arena Fan Power Poll.

ArenaFan Podcasts
ArenaFan features a weekly podcast throughout the season. Tim Capper hosts AFL Tonight, which recaps every game from the previous week. Check out the ArenaFan Radio page for more information and show times.

Fan Clubs
Get in the game, and join your favorite teams fan club! We have all the info on the great team fan clubs from around the league, and if your team doesn't currently have a fan club, information on how to start one!